What happens if you don’t swap out your summer and winter clothing as the seasons change?  Not much, other than perhaps an over-crowded closet or dresser drawers.

But it’s a little more serious when you don’t keep up with cleaning or replacing your AC filter – on average, every 6-8 weeks. Skipping that very simple routine could bring about the following not so pleasant results:

  • Your AC system will work harder to push cool air through the dirt and dust.
  • The resulting added wear and tear will lead to premature repair problems.
  • More frequent repairs also can lead to shorter equipment life.
  • A clogged filter also drives up your energy costs.

What’s more, all that “stuff” that gets stuck to the filter does nothing to help your indoor air quality. Quite the opposite, the dust, dirt, pesticides, germs, viruses and other contaminants can make you downright sick.

Here are a few common examples of what can ail you from a dirty air filter:

  • Aggravated allergy and asthma symptoms
  • More frequent colds and flus
  • Other upper respiratory ailments
  • Extra cleaning to get rid of all the extra dirt and dust throughout your home

As important as regular filter cleaning and, when necessary, replacement is, it’s not enough to keep your system in top working order. Another very key element is annual preventive maintenance, the kind we perform here at PC Plumbing, Heating, AC & Carpentry. Our well-trained and experienced HVAC technicians work hard to add years to the life of your equipment, keep your repair costs down while eliminating many when symptoms are caught early enough, and helping you pay less to cool your home.

After all, that’s why you invested in central AC in the first place, isn’t it? You wanted – and still want – a cooler and more comfortable home environment.

Contact PC Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling today to schedule service, especially if it’s been a year or longer since preventive maintenance was last performed. The same goes for your heating system, too!