Isn’t it great when a product serves double (or triple) duty? And when that something is affordable and probably already in your pantry, Drain cleaning so much the better.

We’re talking about baking soda – that inconspicuous box known for helping your baked goods rise also packs quite a punch in other areas of your home. Here are just a few ways baking soda can help solve your tough household cleaning and deodorizing problems.

Bring back silver’s luster. Mix three parts baking soda and one part water into a paste. Use a clean cloth to rub mixture onto silver, rinse thoroughly, and allow to dry. For extremely tarnished silver, line your kitchen sink or a pan with aluminum foil and place the silver inside. Pour enough boiling water to cover the silver, add a cup of baking soda, a dash of salt, and stir gently. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, rinse clean with warm water, and dry with a soft, clean, cloth.

The Many Uses of Baking Soda

Give soap scum the boot. Sprinkle baking soda onto a clean, damp sponge, and wipe down bathroom tiles, tubs, sinks, and even fiberglass. For extra stubborn jobs, make a paste of salt, baking soda, and dish soap, spread evenly on the surface you are cleaning, scrub gently, and rinse clean.

Freshen up laundry. Get your clothes cleaner and brighter by adding half a cup of baking soda to your liquid laundry detergent. For extra dingy loads, add another half cup into the rinse cycle.

Remove corrosion from batteries. Disconnect the battery terminals on your lawn mower or any other battery-powered equipment before cleaning. Make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water, apply with a damp cloth, and wipe clean. Once dry, reconnect the battery terminals and apply a very thin layer of petroleum jelly to help prevent corrosion.

Deodorize pretty much anything. Sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of garbage cans, litter boxes, garbage disposals, dishwasher, or just about anything that gets smelly. Let it sit for a few hours or even overnight, then rinse or wipe clean.

Clean floors and rugs. Clean no-wax and tile floors with a mixture of a half cup of baking soda and warm water. For stubborn dirt and scuff marks, sprinkle some baking soda onto a damp sponge or soft-bristle brush and gently rub until the mark is gone. Then wipe clean. You also can get pet and household odors from carpets and area rugs by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda on the carpet and letting it sit overnight. The next morning, vacuum until all the baking soda is removed.

Clean drains. Put that old baking soda that’s been sitting in your fridge to good use. Just pour a half cup down any sink drain while running warm water from the faucet to neutralize acidity and odors. For even greater effectiveness and to help clear a clogged drain cleaning, mix the baking soda with distilled white vinegar, let the combination do its thing for about five minutes, and then flush the mixture with boiling hot water.

Of course, what happens when baking soda alone can’t clear a clogged drain?  Fear not, because PC Plumbing Heating, AC & Remodeling can…no matter how stubborn or entrenched the clog might be. Contact us anytime for any drain cleaning problem you might have, including your toilets.