When was the last time you cleaned the surface of your refrigerator or stove?  Not that long ago, we’re sure. How about the last time your grass was cut, sidewalk shoveled, floors vacuumed, or dishes put away?  As soon as they needed it.

What do the above examples have in common?  They’re in plain view, so you can’t miss them.  That’s why we tend to take care of those things first. But what about things around your house you can’t see quite as readily, or maybe hardly ever?  Easy…all too often they get ignored.

The Benefits of a Furnace Inspection

Take your furnace inspection, for example. Your manufacturer said so, your installer said so, and common sense backs them up.  But does that mean most people have their furnaces cleaned and checked once a year?  Not even close.

Here’s what can often does happen without regular preventive maintenance:

  • The filter gets clogged, thus resulting in added wear and tear and less comfortable conditions.
  • Your furniture gets dustier faster from the dirt and dust on the uncleaned filter.
  • Added wear and tear means premature and more frequent repairs.
  • When your heating system isn’t operating at maximum energy efficiency, you pay more to heat your home.
  • Your system is likely to fail well before it reaches its expected lifespan.

In short, there’s nothing good about neglecting your heating system. So, to ensure winter-long comfort, lower heating bills, fewer repairs, and longer equipment life, contact PC Plumbing Heating, AC & Remodeling today to request our clean and check service.