
Home Remodeling | Handy Person Services

Whole-house air filtration system eliminating pollutants.

P.C. Can Put a Stop to All That Sneezing & Coughing!

Are family members on your last nerve with all their indoor sneezing and coughing? Are you on theirs? Well, instead of engaging in open hostilities, how about if you allow P.C. to create a permanent solution for every member of your family.

How? By installing a whole-house air filtration system. According to the EPA, indoor air is twice as polluted as outdoor air. In some cases, it can be up to 100 times more polluted. If left unchecked, the effects can be far worse than annoying. Normally healthy family members can become plagued with allergy- and asthma-like symptoms that might feel like colds, but aren’t.

And yet feeling perpetually lousy isn’t the only sign of poor indoor air quality. Others include:

  • Cold-like symptoms lasting longer than they should
  • Frequent headaches
  • Eye irritation
  • Excessive dust build-up
  • The smell of mold in the air
  • Unusually stale air
  • Dry skin

How about your home? Do you usually feel better just about anywhere else? If so, you are a candidate for a whole-house air filtration system from P.C. Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling.

Whole-House Air Filter | Air Filtration System

Air filtration systems work best in homes with central air conditioning and forced air heating – that is, where cool and warm air are supplied by vents and registers connected to air ducts.

To counteract poor indoor air quality, we can install a whole-house filter inside your ductwork where it can’t be seen, but most certainly can be felt. A P.C. installed air filtration system will remove more than 99% of airborne dust, dirt, pesticides, and all kinds of other airborne pollutants that otherwise would sail unimpeded through your ducts before landing within your living spaces and inside your lungs.


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    UV Lamps | UV Air Filtration System

    To borrow a football analogy, let’s call a whole-house air filter a goal post. As in, something that stays put and waits for a kicked field goal to sail through its uprights. The goal post doesn’t move – the football does. That’s how an air filtration system works.

    By contrast, Ultra-violet (UV) air filtration lamps – also installed air ducts – are more like running backs…they go out and attack airborne pollutants where they find them, destroying their DNA in the process. That way, not only do UV lamps remove existing air pollutants. They prevent them from duplicating themselves.

    What’s the best indoor air quality solution for your home? There’s only one sure way to find out – contact P.C. today for a free in-home air quality analysis and new system proposal.

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