Gas Piping

Gas Piping | Gas Connection

Gas piping being installed in a building

Now You’re Cooking (and Drying Your Clothes, and Baking Brownies, and Heating Your Home) With Gas.

Switching from an electric to a gas piping stove (and oven) isn’t such a big deal. Especially when you consider that 40% of Americans already do their cooking and baking with natural gas. That number would no doubt be higher if gas were universally available, including throughout the Boston area.

Still, whether it’s for cooking, drying your clothes, washing dishes, or heating your home, why should you even consider switching from electrical- to gas-operated appliances in the first place? In many cases, it’s a matter of personal preference. But there are some real benefits that come from converting to natural gas:

  • Lower utility costs
  • Gas water heaters heat water faster
  • Natural gas appliances continue to run even during a power outage
  • Food tastes better when cooked on a gas stove…just ask  the great cooks and chefs you see on the Food Channel!

Gas Line Installation | Gas Line Connection

Installing a gas connection is serious business meant only for people like P.C. Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling. That’s because we are licensed plumbers and gas fitters and, as such, well-experienced in all the complexities of gas line installation. This is an equal parts safety and convenience matter; then again, not so equal since you can’t have added convenience without built-in safety measures.

For a job done well to your complete satisfaction, contact P.C. for your next gas connection project.

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