When you enter your home on a hot and sticky day, you expect to leave those  drain cleaning conditions behind, trading them for your own cool and comfortable surroundings. Expecting is one thing, realizing is another. Because one thing is certain – if you keep your AC system long enough, it will lose its ability to remove excess humidity.

Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to restore the cool and comfortable you long for. But before describing them,

let’s see just how much misery excess humidity can create:

  • Reduced comfort – The higher the humidity, the warmer you feel.
  • Sleepless nights – You start feeling sticky all over and having difficulty sleeping.
  • Added expense – The warmer you feel, the more you’re inclined to lower the thermostat. That, in turn, drives up your electricity bill.
  • Added wear and tear – By sensing warmer indoor temperatures, regardless of the cause, your AC system works harder to achieve the desired temperature setting.
  • More frequent repairs – Added wear and tear leads to mechanical problems and subsequent repair bills.
  • Reduced system lifespan – Any AC problem that remains unchecked, including high indoor humidity, takes time off the system’s potential lifespan.
  • Mold growth – Excess moisture is mother’s milk to mold, and bad news for you. Mold is found both on surfaces and in the air. When airborne, it can wreak havoc with your allergies. Surface level mold can eat away at wood and other surfaces and cause property damage.

Here at PC Plumbing, Heating, Air & Remodeling, there are two primary ways we can evict excess humidity from the premises. One is with a high-efficiency replacement AC system. Or, if you’re not quite ready to make that commitment, a whole-house dehumidifier & drain cleaning can provide the same kind of relief. With the latter, you can set the relative humidity level right where you want it to be – 30% to 50% is considered ideal. For a long-term solution to your indoor humidity woes, contact PC Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling today.