How to Prevent Injuries at Home
By: Monika
What does maintaining a home require? Well, among many other things, it needs to be kept clean. There’s the grass to mow, snow to remove, walls to be painted, floors to vacuum, and so much more. Amidst all that domestic labor, there’s another very important and ongoing task: keeping your family safe from harm.
That covers a lot of ground, to be sure. For now, our focus is on bathroom safety and, specifically, how to prevent slipping and falling and, as a result, serious injury.
Here are just of the preventive measures you can employ:
- High-seat toilets so seniors or anyone who needs assistance doesn’t have a far to lower themselves or stand back up.
- Grab bars in and around the tub or shower and near the toilet.
- Hand-held showerhead to help prevent reaching and turning around.
- Anti-scald shower or sink valve to prevent the kinds of slips and falls that stem from a sudden blast of scalding hot water.
- Non-slip flooring, such as textured linoleum, carpet, stone tiles, vinyl, cork, bamboo, and even rubber.
- An anti-slip coating for your existing floor.
- Motion-activated night lights to prevent anyone from falling in the dark.
- A simple rubber mat for the shower or tub floor.
Just to put bathroom injuries in perspective, 25% of all US emergency room visits stem from accidents that occur in the bathroom. Many of these lead to life-changing traumatic brain injuries.
For more information on how to secure your bathroom from prevent injuries, contact PC Plumbing Heating, AC & Remodeling today. More than that, we can install new plumbing and other fixtures to put your plan into action.