How to Make Yours a Pet-Friendly Home | Plumbing Drains
By: Monika
Large, medium, or miniature, pets are more than just pets; for many, they are full-fledged members of the family. In addition to providing unconditional love and companionship, pets (cats and dogs especially) offer numerous emotional, mental, and physical health benefits – from enhancing Plumbing drains social skills and reducing feelings of loneliness to reducing one’s risk of heart attack and increasing opportunities for exercise, and more.
In return for all your pet does for you, why not make sure your home is as pet friendly as it can be.
Safety First| Plumbing Drains
Keep cleaning products, medications, and any other harmful substances in plumbing drains a locked cabinet or closet. Before bringing a plant home, check with your veterinarian that it is safe for you pet if accidentally ingested. Conceal electrical wires, extension cords, and anything else your pet could get tangled in or chew on. Check that storm doors and window screens can’t be nudged open easily. In short, inspect your home from your pet’s eye view and remove any harmful obstacles or impediments.
Outside Oasis
If your pooch enjoys the great outdoors, make sure your property is enclosed with a fence that cannot easily be pushed open or jumped over. Inspect exterior fencing routinely, checking for broken panels or slats, rusty or protruding nails, or any other damage that could harm your pet or allow it to escape.
In and Out
Give your pet the freedom to come and go as needed with a pet door. Many pet doors are now insulated and can withstand 40+ mile per hour winds. For added security, choose one that comes with an electronic key and sensor. The key, installed on your pet’s collar, signals the door to unlock when your pet approaches.
Privacy, Please
Pets need a safe, comfortable space to call their own – a bed in a quiet corner of your home, an extended windowsill for sun-drenched naps and people watching, and a clean, quiet place to eat and drink. Not keen on Milo sleeping in your bed at night? Consider adding a pet-sized trundle under your bed that you can pull out at bedtime and slide back in during the day.
Ageing Gracefully
If your cat or dog is getting up there in years, navigating your home can become a challenge. Install a ramp outside your front door, boost them up to their favorite spot on the sofa with a step stool, and install a shelf to elevate their food and water bowls.
You can even keep their paws (and your feet!) warm and toasty during cold winter months with radiant in-floor heating.
Here’s an idea. If you don’t already have one, why not add an outdoor faucet in your backyard to make life infinitely easier when it comes to providing your cat or dog with fresh water or to bathe them occasionally -whether they love the experience or not. Contact us today for a free quote on new outdoor plumbing.