A neatly manicured lawn not only looks more appealing, it will just plain feel better. After all, what’s better than walking barefoot on healthy, lush, and green grass? Yet getting (and keeping) it that way all season long is not an easy feat.

Therefore, follow these six tips on how to achieve maximum curb appeal and greater satisfaction in your own yardwork.

What You’ll Need

  • Lawn mower
  • Weed whacker
  • Lawn edger
  • Leaf blower
  • Collection bag for clippings

Step 1. Trim and edge.

Trim around obstacles like fences, trees, garden beds, etc. so you don’t have to maneuver the lawn mower around them. This saves you time and reduces the risk of damage to land- and hardscaping.

Step 2. Mow early, mow often.

When it comes to perfect lawn mowing, consistency is key. The best time to mow is mid-morning as morning dew will have evaporated by then but the grass hasn’t had a chance to go limp from the harsh afternoon sun. Mow every 5 days in early spring and late fall, which is when lawns go through growth spurts. Don’t let the grass get too high; cutting more than a third of the length takes off too much plant tissue and prevents optimal photosynthesis.

Step 3. Change direction week to week.

Don’t get stuck in the same mowing rut. Cutting your grass in the same pattern and direction each week results in soil compaction and puts extra wear on the turf. Switch things up, mowing in a straight line one week, and diagonally the next, for example.

Step 4. Use the clippings.

Don’t just bag and dispose of lawn clippings. Add them to your compost pile or leave them where they fall – provided they’re not too thick – to provide vital nutrients for your lawn.

Step 5. Blow or sweep away lawn waste.

One of the last steps to properly mowing a perfect lawn is to remove stray clippings from sidewalks and pathways. Use a leaf blower or broom to move clippings back on the lawn. It’s not only a nice finishing touch, it prevents clippings from washing up into storm drains where they can clump and clog.

Step 6. Maintain your mower.

Your mowing job is only as good as your equipment. Use a quality mower and maintain it routinely to ensure proper operation. Check the oil and tire pressure, the deck and blades, and don’t forget to sharpen the blades. Blades should be sharpened twice a season – once in early spring and again about halfway through summer. Sharp blades reduce mowing time and deliver even cuts to the grass.

A healthy lawn also cries for enough water to prevent it from drying out and turning brown – a consequence you’d be forced to live with until the following summer. So, when a dry spell hits, turn on your lawn sprinklers or have a lawn sprinkler system installed. But let’s say the latter isn’t in the budget and you have just one outdoor faucet. In that case, contact PC Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling so we can install one or more additional spigots to make lawn care and other landscaping chores far easier and more convenient. It’s just one of the many plumbing services we offer to area homeowners like you.