A garbage disposal is a handy little appliance. It helps reduce the amount of trash you accumulate before the bag is full and, as a result, helps to keep your kitchen smelling clean.

And then comes the flip side, where food gets stuck inside the disposal and creates a stench of its own – the result of bacteria buildup.

So, the next time your garbage disposal starts to call attention to itself, in an unpleasant way, here’s what to do. In fact, these same steps can help keep the odors away.

Place a stopper over the disposal

and fill the sink with hot water along with a splash of liquid dish detergent. Remove the stopper and turn the disposal on while keeping the hot water running. This will clean away grime and food particles that might have been trapped.

Toss a few pieces of citrus fruit peels into the disposal while simultaneously turning on the disposal and running cold water down the drain. Why? The rough texture of the peel will clean the blades, and the oils from the citrus fruit will serve as a natural freshener and help to remove excess buildup.

Fill your garbage disposal with enough baking soda to cover the bottom. Pour half a cup of white vinegar on top of it and let the mixture sit for an hour without running your disposal. Next, turn on your cold water faucet and then your disposal.

Grab a few handfuls of ice cubes from your dispenser or freezer and place them in the unit. Then flip the switch to “on” and run some cold water while the cubes grind themselves into oblivion. Ice helps loosen debris and food trapped in the unit, and the cold water helps flush it down the drain.

To keep your garbage disposal working properly and smelling clean, remember to continue to run water for at least 30 seconds after each use.

Speaking of garbage disposals, is yours showing signs of wear and tear, including strange noises that refuse to stop? As with all things mechanical, there are numerous potential repair problems, all which PC Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling can make short work of – even if the only sensible solution is to replace it. Contact us today for garbage disposal service or any other home plumbing need.