If you have a gas water heater and you suddenly run out of hot water, start by checking the pilot light or the electronic ignition switch. If one or the other is on, and the thermostat is set at just the right temperature (120 degrees Fahrenheit), it’s time to call a professional.

Common Water Heater Problems

Here are a few more signs that indicate the potential need for water heater repair service:

A pool of water around beneath your water heater problems indicates a leak, which typically necessitates replacement versus repair, especially if your water heater is at least 10 years old.


Cloudy, discolored water or noises from inside the storage tank typically point to an internal build-up of mineral deposits. If the inside of the tank is still intact, the deposits can be flushed out.


Water that continues to get colder (or hotter) could mean you have a faulty thermostat. A professional technician can tell you if the thermostat can be repaired or needs to be replaced.


If you see corrosion or rust on the tank, it usually means the end is near. The constantly high temperature of the water will naturally corrode a hot water tank over time, especially one that isn’t routinely maintained.


A rotten egg smell or metallic taste might mean bacteria has built up inside the tank. Again, there’s a very good chance that with a proper flushing followed by re-filling the tank, this problem can be neutralized.

Regardless of what type of water heater you have, regular maintenance will keep it running at maximum efficiency and extend its effective lifespan.

So, if it’s been a year or longer since your water heater was last professionally inspected, contact PC Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling today for service. We help make your plumbing run better and last longer.