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    Fall Water Heater Alert

    If your water heater is showing signs of wear and tear, things are only going to get worse this time of year. That’s because the colder the air, the colder the water entering your water heater…which makes it work harder to heat the water for even greater wear and tear. Contact us today to request a free new-water-heater quote. Plus, PC Plumbing Wayland offers 24/7 emergency service for all those times the problem just can’t wait.

    Plumber fixing a leaky pipe.

    Enjoy the Savings…
    Plus the Added Comfort!

    New Water Heater

    …on a new water heater,
    tank-style or tankless.


    HVAC System

    …on a new heating or
    cooling system.


    First-time Customer

    …on any service we


    The P.C. Difference Makers

    P.C. is a favorite choice among homeowners who appreciate our extensive range of home comfort and related services. Others like us best for our 100% satisfaction guarantee, while still others enjoy the many benefits that membership in our Priority Service Club provides. Add it all up, and there’s a lot to like about P.C. Plumbing, Heating, AC & Remodeling.

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